
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Fix.
  1. Lociobx

    Question USB over current won't go into BIOS. Why?

    Hello everyone, this is my first post and I'm grateful for any responses or suggestions. Recently I decided to clean my desktop and in the process, removed everything from the computer case. After assembling everything back together, I'm receiving this error on my screen that says there is...
  2. farmfowls

    [SOLVED] Any way to fix this light spot on Monitor?

    I have an Asus PG279Q ROG Swift and I'm not sure if this is screen burn or backlight bleed (assuming the latter), and was wanting to a) Confirm what it is b) Find out of anyways to possibly fix this. There are two spots like this on the monitor. Both are near the bottom of the screen. Link...
  3. D

    [SOLVED] RTX 2070 Super 0% usage in game

    Yesterday I had posted about this same issue and had thought I had found a fix but apperantly it didn't fix it. These were the fixes I tried: -Changed the power plan on Windows to High performance. -Checked to see if in that power plan PCIExpress power management was off. -On Nvidias...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Windows 10/system doesn't load correctly & lag spike issue

    Hello! Recently got myself a new PC, but I've been experiencing some weird issues. First one happens while turning on my PC. For some reason my PC skips the entire loading process if the PC has been turned off for a while (couple hours). I see a short MSI splashscreen (the moment you can...
  5. M

    [SOLVED] Stuttering when smt off

    I have an issue , when i disable Smt on my ryzen 2600 i have a lot of stuttering in games . With the smt i can have 4ghz 1.35v and with the smt off i can have 4.1ghz 1.40v on the Asrock b450m steel legend . My windows is fully optimized and also my bios . how can i fix this issue ?
  6. Abdullah Shakeel

    [SOLVED] Everything stopped workimg

    I was just downloading Valorant, a new game, and it asked for a restart for installation to continue. After restart, my gpu stopped working (Windows has stopped the device because it reported problems Error code 43) A few hours later i also found out that (in device manager) my monitor wasn't...
  7. J


    Hi guys! Need a little help here. So while I was playing some game my pc suddenly switched off. Tried turning it on again but only the fans from cpu, gpu, psu even my mouse and keyboard turned on(lights) but theres no display. I tried fixing the rams, rewiring, pulled out the power cable from...
  8. R

    [SOLVED] Hello! My computer randomly freezes and makes buzzing noises.

    Hello! I just upgraded my windows 7 to windows 10 and i didn't have any problems with windows 7 but when im playing a game on windows 10 it takes 50-40 mins sometimes 1 hour to randomly freeze and make some buzzing noise. SPECS: GEFORCE GTX 650 TI BOOST P8H61-M DDR3 KINGSTON 8 GB /1333MHZ...
  9. H

    [SOLVED] Broken Hard Drive?

    Some time ago I tried to install windows 7 on a HDD. Somehow I think i broke it. Now if I try to install windows 10 on it , it takes very long to load the instalation( preparation phase ) and now I see that the it doesn't even see the HDD when creating partitions, it says "We couldn’t find any...
  10. C

    Question Power Saving Mode

    Hello all. My pc is very old and I can not buy a new one right now. I’m gonna get married soon, so there is no room for additional expense. Pc was working okay, until one day I turned on, it went on power saving mode. I tried everything below. Please inform if anything I’m missing or any...
  11. davipinhati

    Question my computer is acting strange...

    got a 2070 super 16 gb 2x8 gb 3000 mhz ssd 480 gb ryzen 5 3600 my gpu boosts even in games running at 60 fps 1080p thats not use 100% gpu/cpu, i think its causing some stutter cuz the gpu/cpu are full clock speed all the time( 1934MHZand 4000MHZ), games like metro, control, resident evil 2 and...
  12. R

    Question Please help!

    I don't know if I'm allowed to post reddit links but I really need help with my PC View:
  13. S

    [SOLVED] Why is my only partition on this disk split up?

    There were previously 2 partitions on this drive but I've moved everything on the other one somewhere else and erased it, expanding the other volume step by step. Now it seems as is every time I did that, instead of enlarging the current region, it kept adding more and more regions. Does this...
  14. MIDROU

    [SOLVED] Low vram usage!!

    Hello so i have been noticing that my computer has been underperforming and getting really loud at some times so i tried to reset windows but nothing still the same so i tried benchmarking it and checking in task manager and noticed at 100% usage in games its only using 1 gb of VRAM from 6GB...
  15. UnFound

    [SOLVED] CPU Liquid Cooling Heating Question

    So to sum this up i bought a computer back in 2017 which is, the computer runs great aside from me noticing when starting certain games the computer CPU fan really turns on and starts heating up the...
  16. D

    [SOLVED] Computer won't boot

    One day I started getting a bunch of blue screens. I could start up my pc, go to the the desktop. But once I launched an app or something I'd get a blue screen. I tried taking my ram out and back in but when I pressed the power button, the fans spin and the leds go up but nothing goes to my...
  17. tralph3

    [SOLVED] Bad hard drive hangs diskpart. How to fix?

    Hi, I recently bought a SATA bay drive for my laptop to get a dedicated drive for booting Linux. I didn't buy an extra hard drive as I already had one from a previous laptop that died a few years ago. So I plug it in and the speed is atrocious. I tried to format it with Windows, I tried Gparted...
  18. N

    [SOLVED] Fps drops in all games... Is my Power supply good enough?

    Hi, I have made a new build and when i first turn it on and load games up all is very well and runs nice and smooth, an hour or 2 of my pc being turned on then if i try to game then i seem to get fps drops. For instance if im on cod my fps may be at 140 then every minute or 2 i will get a drop...
  19. M

    Question Random FPS Drops

    I have been having random fps drops i used to run everything 60 fps no problems. I have not recently upgraded. I have updated the drivers also reverted them. I have even performed a full clean install of windows 10 after wiping the ssd. I have tried OCing on both cpu and gpu no noticible...
  20. DaddyBD

    [SOLVED] Repair Burnt GPU?

    Hey guys, first post here. Joining this forum is long overdue so here it goes! I have my old Gigabyte GTX 670 that is toasted from years ago. I've brought it out to make into a mini project to get going again. I'm looking for any insight on how to repair it given that the damaged MOSFET is the...
  21. Gazownik

    [SOLVED] Potentiometer for MSI GH70 7.1 USB Headset

    Hello, Some time ago I've received this headset (MSI GH70) as a gift and yes I know its bad but I didn't really care that much because I was using it only when in the delegation. Ok, straight to the point. The headset is no longer under warranty and it's kinda broken right now - I think its...
  22. C

    Question Tv is half black how much can I get it fixed for?

    Tv is half black im wondering how much money can I get this fixed for ? It’s a Samsung 50 inch tv the screen is half black but I can still see through it slightly.
  23. Giancarlo_flex

    Question Gtx 1060 3gb, cpu to pair with it, low fps, bottle necking fix please;(

    Hi, so I built my first pc a year ago and this is it. RAM- Ripjaws 1600 2x8gb DDR3 GPU- Msi Gtx 1060 3gb CPU-Amd Fx-8350 MOTB- Asus M5a78l-m PLus/Usb 3 AM3+ Socket PSU- EVGA 500 Br I was playing a couple games earlier today and was getting low Fps, so I checked and saw that my CPU...
  24. elecs

    Question PC won't start after chaning CPU.

    Hello! I got new CPU today I7-9700K, before that i used I5-7500. When i try to start my pc lights turn on and fans and after 1s shuts down. I checked if my RAM is placed good at it was, and i reseted my BIOS settings to default. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm using Mortar Artic H270M...
  25. A


    my system has been unexpectedly crashing in multiple games (normally able to play for a few minutes on heavier games and longer on games such as cs go but they all either freeze and still play audio or crash) some errors i have got back are DXGI GPU HUNG ...
  26. J

    Question My Desktop Won't Turn On

    Problem: Desktop randomly turned off while playing Witcher 3. I tried to switch it back on, but nothing happened. The keyboard is still on, and when I unplug and re-plug in my PC, the light will come on for maybe half a second, as well as the fans, but then nothing whenever I try again...
  27. Hadeus

    Question PC stuttering while gaming.

    Hey, so my PC has been running pretty badly lately. It often crashes and performs really bad even on games that shouldn't be hard to run. Also stuff like webpages often lag even though I've got ping and download speed. Apparently my specs should actually be decent and shouldn't have any problems...
  28. R

    Question I NEED HELP WITH MY PS4|not powering up :(

    Hello everyone, hope you’re all finding yourselves through this whole quarantine. My ps4 runs very loud so I figured I’d follow a video on cleaning the dust out. I did everything perfectly fine and treated everything carefully making sure not to break anything on accident. However, after putting...
  29. F

    [SOLVED] Can i get a Laptop Replacement Screen for this kind of Damage?

    Short story, i put my Laptop on top of a Box and beside a Bed that was in a standing position i have 2 cat both of them grabbed the bed and of course the bed fall off and it hit the Laptop i wasn't fast enough to stop it, My Laptop screen is completely broken. View:
  30. F

    Question Is something phisically wrong with my GPU?

  31. beefycactusyt

    [SOLVED] [REPAIR] Graphics Card Damage

    Hey, I'm an idiot and recently dropped my graphics card. It is a Gigabyte GTX 1050ti. It was in a loosely protected box and a component fell off. I believe it is an Inductor Coil, a Magic R22. This looks to be the only physical damage on the board Can this be soldered back on? I also have some...
  32. bedis

    [SOLVED] dsl not working properly

    so this dsl is not working and i wanted to know how to set p the wires this particular way didn't work(the one in the image) a link to the image: View:
  33. L

    [SOLVED] Logitech external webcam video not working

    Hi everyone, Just posting here briefly - will elaborate tomorrow. I have a very annoying problem that I cannot figure out. I have had an external webcam by Logitech for years (HD C310) and until I reinstalled Windows 7 a few months ago, the audio has been working impeccably, but it only shows...
  34. A

    [SOLVED] Fix Water Damaged GPU

    Is there any way I can fix my water damaged GPU? I spilled water on it while running, powering off the pc. I immediately took the card out, carefully got as much water as I could off, and left it to dry for a couple days. No longer works as intended showing extremely low resolution and green...
  35. J

    Question Hard drive randomly dissapears?

    Hello, recently I have noticed my hard drive disappearing when I install something; this occurs on my (D : drive. As I was trying to update Overwatch, I heard a random click noise come from my PC and all of a sudden the drive disappears from file explorer and comes back while updating. This...
  36. N


    Hello so about a month ago i replaced my HDD with a new one and after that in every game i would get massive lag spikes that i never got before so again i replaced that HDD but the same issue presits i never got these lag spikes before so i need help is it my HDD causing this? Or did i damage...
  37. Safarcikm

    [SOLVED] Gtx 1080ti - Just got scamed, burnt parts (Can it be FIXED?)

    Hello, so I just bought used Asus GTX 1080ti Turbo, claimed to be fully functional... Well after recieving package, I´ve decided to clean cooler and found on PCB burnt parts. I haven´t try to plug the card yet so maybe it still works just not with all memory or Idk (probably not). Well the...
  38. J

    Question Infrequent Black Screens

    Hi, Recently I have been experiencing infrequent black screens on my PC. It only happens on my primary display and not my second monitor. I believe it is an issue with my GPU but I don't know how to fix it. Any help world be appreciated. I have a Strix GTX 1060 Thanks
  39. Scotfree_CDN

    Question Is it worth to pay to have GPU fixed?

    I have a Asus Turbo GTX 1070 8gb, that is blacking out once and a while. All software and drivers up to date. If Asus won't do Warranty work, think I'd save more paying to have fixed, than replaced?
  40. kaionyap

    Question Help! GPU Black screen on boot, fans spinning

    My friend asked for my help in re-heating his gpu "Asus GTX 1050"cause its causing some issues and when I tested it, it does have a black screen/blank screen issue. so I opened the GPU, cleaned everything, then using my cheap hair blower with a very low airflow mod to make the coils glow red as...