FPS Drops

Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with FPS Drops.
  1. N

    Question RX 570 + RYZEN 3 2200G struggling with games on 1080p

    I have the current setup: Amd Ryzen 3 2200g Sapphire RX 570 4GB Pulse ITX Motherboard Gigabyte GA-AB350M-DS3H V2, AMD AM4, mATX, DDR4 Ram Crucial Ballistix 2x4 GB 2666mHz SSD Kingston 120GB 1 HD of 1TB and another of 500GB 400W EVGA PSU I saw many tests of this same setup, and all games worked...
  2. S

    Question Stuttering and FPS drops in most games

    Since the past 3 days I am getting FPS drops and stuttering in my pc in games such as PUBG, Rainbow 6 Siege and Red Dead Redemption 2. I never used to get any FPS drops in Rainbow 6 Siege before. Last month I had another issue about which I posted here...
  3. A

    Question Framerate drops after shutting down my PC after a driver update

    Long story short, I installed the latest AMD drivers for my RX 580 and it seemed to stay at a nice and clean 60 FPS with The Witcher 3 and Battlefront 2. So I shut down my PC and the next day, after booting it up, the framerate drops all the way down to 20 FPS and seems locked around there...
  4. H

    Question Microstutters / fps drops

    Hello everyone! I'm having issue with my PC for months but now is bothering me more than ever.. sooo Every part of it is brand new (few months old max) EXCEPT the PSU which is 3-4 years old now. I tried few different games Fortnite/ CS GO/ Metro Exodus and Witcher 3 + few benchmarks and in all...
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Ryzen 9 3950x underwhelming Perfomance help

    Hello everyone disclaimer: it is my very first self built PC; i have no experience with OC; please excuse my bad english :) my specs: Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. X570 AORUS XTREME (AM4) - Bios version F11 (09.12.2019, latest) XMP profile 1 enabled (rest on default) CPU: AMD...
  6. oxavious

    [SOLVED] GPU Clock Dropping along with GPU Power causing FPS drops.

    So basically recently I bought a second hand GPU(ASUS RX 580 8GB DUAL FAN) and second hand PSU(500w some korean company called NewZen), and noticed that I've been getting massive FPS drops in games. Previously I had a 1050ti 4gb, which was also a second hand one and I had no fps drops with it...
  7. P

    Question Horrible fps drops?

    At my other house all of my games run fine, But here everything runs around 40 fps worse with horrible stuttering/ fps drops, and i cant figure out why
  8. A

    Question I have fps drops in Fortnite.

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six core Precessor GPU: radeon rx 590 sapphire nitro+ Display: HP 25x (2 of them) Since Season 8 i have been experiencing huge fps drops and game freezing. And i know its not my pc because every other game runs perfectly at a steady 144fps( games like overwatch, gta...
  9. X

    [SOLVED] Stutters curse

    [text removed] First my spec : I5 2500 ( bought from 10 years ) 1050ti (2 years ) 1x8gb ram ( bought from 10 years too) Wd hdd black 1Tb (10 years too) Wd hdd blue 500gb (10 years ) Evga liquid cooling OK my proplem is when i play my games (Fortnite , battlefield 1, titanfall 2 , destiny Cs go...
  10. C

    Question Fps and Quallity problems

    Hey My rig: Msi Gtx 1080 8gb, I5 6600k, 16gb hyper x fury 2600, Mobo: MSI B250M PRO-VD My problem is that In a lot of games I have a good fps around 100 but on every preset usually on ultra the games look bad It doesn't look like a gtx1080 quallity. In Rdr2 on ultra, high, medium, presets I...
  11. itzxethan13

    [SOLVED] why is my build equiping slown

    well in the game fortnite my mouse button and keyboard buttons when i try to swap the building options it goes slow as like 1- 2 sec gap wich is really noticable when i play i dont know what is causing this
  12. Karan Malhotra

    [SOLVED] Regular FPS drops and massive stuttering

    My pc specs ; i3 8100 gigabyte gtx 1050ti ( not overclocked) 4 gb ram 2400mhz mobo h310m s2 60hz AOC monitor no cooling system So, I bought this pc around may 2019 and I have been facing this issue ever since., nor I am able to pinpoint the issue. Whenever I try to play a game (eg- gta v)...
  13. E

    [SOLVED] Fps drops on fortnite

    Hi everyone. I recently got the following PC: CPU: i7 9700k GPU: RTX 2070 8GB White Mini Galax RAM: 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance 3000mhz MOBO: Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Elite PSU: Thermaltake Smart 600w SSD: 240gb SanDisk Water Cooler: Akasa Venon A20 Dual radiator Since I have a 144hz monitor, I cap my...
  14. W

    Question i7-8700k @ 3.7GHz is is overheating. Need help!

    Over the last few days I have been getting CPU Fan Error in BIOS when launching pc but temps were fine until yesterday. I have tried everything I can thing of to try and fix this. Check if needs thermal paste, check connections, make sure fans are running. But my temps are still well over 90C...
  15. V

    Question System Stuttering (Fps drops), Looking for some help!

    System Specs Mobo: msi MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon Wifi CPU: Ryzen 3600x GPU: Geforce RTX 2070 Super PSU: Corsair Ax1000 RAM: DDr3 rgb 3600mhz (dram freq: 2133) Recently over the past 4 or 5 months i've been having trouble with my last computer as it had short circuited...
  16. I

    Question Why is my laptop droppping in FPS and heating up??

    I played during the morning with no issues at all. Shut it down, turned it on later in the day and now my laptop drops from an average of 60 fps in all games to below 10 fps 10-20 seconds after launching and does not go up again. Almost everything else on the PC works fine. It also starts...
  17. J

    Question Did my GPU overclock cause a decrease in graphics performance? If so, how do I fix this?

    Recently, I overclocked my Radeon RX 580 XTR and my power limit and it performed well in specifically Fortnite for that day, maintaining frames of 200+. A day later, I got back on and I was getting no more than 150 FPS and sometimes dropping to 48 FPS for a good five seconds. There is a mode in...
  18. M

    [SOLVED] Help fixing pc after AIO installation, problem remains after removal of AIO?

    As the post describes I recently installed a AIO (Corsair H100i) specifically and ever since my pc had been studdering, randomly having slow downs where the pc is clearly thinking, and FPS issues going from 15-100 frames no matter the game or settings. I even uninstalled the AIO thinking Icue...
  19. arakotomiklas

    Question Windows 10 64 bit random stuttering/lagging

    I have windows 10 on a samsung 970 nvme ssd, and have another 240gb ssd and a almost full 2TB hard drive. I have a problem where the pc works fine but then the longer it is on for i.e 2 hours, the more the lag starts to be prevelant. For example when I first turn on my pc there may be a freeze...
  20. S

    Question FPS drops/Stutters after few minutes of gaming (All Games)

    Hey guys, I've noticed some massive and sudden FPS drops in all games on my laptop this last week. My laptop isn't the best. It isn't even meant for gaming (I guess?). But I've been playing on it for 4 years now. Games like CS:GO were running smoothly on the lowest settings. Until lately...
  21. K

    Question My gaming pc has pretty good specs, but i get HORRIBLE fps drops in game

    https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/19546665 my specs also, corsair h80i v2 liquid cooler, i get horrible fps in league of legends like 65, 120 in cs, but on top of already low fps. i get massive drops or stutters for like 3 seconds where it goes to 33 fps or something and for those few...
  22. AshtonP

    Question Annoying FPS drops

    I am having major FPS drops on both call of duty and Fortnite. I know this isn’t temperature related. I have a rtx2070, i5 8400 and a 850 watt psu. I even tried switching gpus and nothing helped. It is playable and isn’t that noticeable until it drops below like 60 for close to half a second...
  23. M

    [SOLVED] Good build but Bad FPS, whats wrong?

    so this is my boyfriend's build, and he's having FPS drops, his frames are like 70-80 with this build . I have a more entry level build than his and yet have better fps of 145. I'm trying to find a solution and have zero idea why his rig will be underperforming mine. His video card NVidia...
  24. zFireblade

    [SOLVED] FPS drops and stuttering

    I've been encountering some very bad FPS drops in several games now. I have stable fps most of the time but sometimes it goes from 150 to 30 for 1-2 seconds and I don't have any idea what pc component is responsible for that. My specs: GPU: Asus rtx 2060 oc 6GB CPU: Intel core i7-4790 3,60 GHz...
  25. D

    Question Fps inconsistency

    I got an fps problem on my laptop that I play with on a LG 4k tv 120hz, my specs are decent enough ti deliver at least a 100 fps on 800x600 but still delivers 70 fps on the lowest settings possible My specs are : i5-3337U @ 2.4ghz (unparked all cores) 8gb ddr3 laptop ram at 1600mhz nvidia...
  26. P

    Question GTX 1070 lagging to 20 fps on low settings?

    As the title says, my GTX 1070 is sometimes slowing down to 20 fps. I generally play roblox so I thought it was just a bad update, but when I had gone over to Euro Truck Simulator 2 MP, I got so much lag any time I past a single player's truck. Naturally I turned down my settings thinking maybe...
  27. B

    Question Massive FPS Drops/Stuttering in all games

    Hi everybody this is my first post on a forum so please let me know if im doing something wrong. Since i built my PC 1-2 months ago i have been experiencing massive fps drops and stutters in literally all my games, even minecraft... I have been trying to figure out the problem the second i...
  28. K

    [SOLVED] HELP____ fps drops, stutters, input lag

    okay so ive got this big problem with my pc. ive talked to alot of people and nobody has come up with a solution. im runnin a i5 7400 4core 4 thread stock 3.0ghz turbo boost 3.5ghz , and a msi 1060 6gb oc version, h110m-dgs mobo, 8gb ddr4 2400mhz ram, 600w zalman psu and a toshiba 7200rpm 1tb...
  29. S

    Question CPU Usage goes to 100% while gaming

    So, my GPU is failing, yay. Now, I am experiencing something that really bothers me. In most of the game, the CPU Usage will go to 100% and the game pretty much lowers it FPS down and starts lagging. It stays 100% CPU Usage for 10-15 seconds and usually the frame from (let's say 60fps) drops...
  30. C

    Question Complicated fps drop issue

    Hi. I've been having this issue for Months now and it is getting so annoying. In every single Game you mention, my CPU usage is stuck at 100% and GPU never reaches 90%+.... that makes probably every single Game hard to play even on lowest Graphics and 768p Resolution. I really do expect more...
  31. T

    [SOLVED] Asus Laptop FPS Drops / Overheating

    Hello Everyone, my first post on this forum, hope it's in right section. I've had this laptop for nearly 2 years now and been having some issues. The Laptop Model is FX503VM-DM093T. Original Specs: Intel Core i7-7700HQ Quad Core Processor Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit 8GB DDR4 RAM 128GB SSD...
  32. Raerayu

    Question Mouse Input Lag Across Several PC's

    I've had input lag in my mouse for 8 months. On several different pc's with different mice and different keyboards. I used different monitors all at 144hz and tried a different house and still had the problem. I tried all versions of windows as well. Currently im running i7 9700k, RTX 2070...
  33. T

    Question Fps drops in every game

    I bought a Vega 56 and since then my Pc only causes weird problems...the card doesnt do what it is supposed to whatsoever. So I ran MSI Kombuster stress test and this is what happened. View: https://imgur.com/a/KlNP9IO Everything seems to be broken in some way or another, do you think its the...
  34. shadowcat777

    Question DPC Latency checker

    Hey , might this be the reason some of my games have fps drops? I have tried everything that is recommended to try fix these drops but nothing works. GTA V for example runs well while half of the other games i play have these fps drops. (The "systemavbrott" is in english "System interupts" )...
  35. C

    [SOLVED] CS:GO Stuttering/Huge FPS Drops...

    CS:GO Stuttering/Huge FPS Drops... Not to long ago i completely reset my PC... After reinstalling windows and getting my programs reinstalled and stuff I installed CS:GO and set my game up to the way I play it. While playing i noticed HUGE fps drops and it's really annoying. I average around...
  36. J

    Question Fps Drops after some playtime

    Hey there, I would like to share with you a problem that has been getting me crazy over the last few months. I built a pc on October, these are the components: i7 8086k - gtx 1080ti - 16GB ram 3200mhz - 970EVO M.2 SSD The problem is that everytime I play videogames my fps start as lets say...
  37. M

    Question After Cleansing My PC From Dust, I'm Having FPS Drops

    Greetings, this is my system; MSI GTX 960 2 GB MSI H110m Pro-VD Intel i3 6098p (with stock fan) Hi-Level 8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz RAM 1 TB 7200 RPM Sata3 HDD 2 Days ago, I thought my PC has a lot of dust and I decided to clean it. I removed the processor, GPU and RAM; then used a hairdryer with...
  38. J

    Question CS:GO fps drop problems

    Hello, everyone! I'm at my wits end. I have gotten lately around 3 weeks ago, much fps drops in game. I have done fps benchmarks multiple times. And got results like 200 fps on average. But in game sometimes I think drops to 80-90 when there are a couple molotovs/smokes or a couple people in...
  39. J

    Question Suddenly more CPU usage (streaming csgo)

    Hello, everyone! On wednesday I could stream csgo with an average of 160-170 fps and stream at 1080p60 fps with 6-8 CPU usage. But yesterday I wanted to stream again. The CPU usage was all the time around 14-16%. And in game I was getting only around 80-100 frames. When I went streaming obs gave...
  40. K

    Question stuttering/freezes in fortnite

    Hi, im having really annoying stuttering problems which make the game unplayable. I get fps drops(and huge frame times) from over 100 to ~30 or sometimes even zero. I monitored my hardware with MSI Afterburner and saw that most of the drops (not all tho) happen when the GPU Power and Memory...