May 28, 2019
I am looking at the EVGA x299 FTW, x299 Dark, z390 FTW, and z390 Dark. I have a question on 5v ADD RGB support and the headers. I cannot see anything about whether the motherboards have RGB headers, or if they could support sync with a RGB controller with a 3 pin MB sync connector (4 pin slots missing its 3rd pin). I know they are 5v ADD RGB connections, but how can I connect them to the motherboards? Is there a USB connection option? I prefer not to be stuck with basic controls via the controller and a remote. I have been looking at the Thermaltake 71 View and the darkFlash Aurora DR12 Pro Fans.
+5v Addressable RGB headers and +12v RGB headers are listed in specifications of motherboard if they are available.

ASUS ROG Maximus XI Code Z390 Gaming Motherboard

Special Features
Aura RGB Strip Headers
Aura Addressable Strip Header(s)

Non-addressable RGBs, the whole strip/array of RGB LEDs displays one colour at any time. This colour can transition, shift, breath/pulse, etc, across the entire RGB LED colour spectrum - and AURA provides a variety of snazzy themes/effects - but every RGB LED is always exactly the same colour as all its neighbours at any given instant, the whole strip is "all or nothing".

Addressable RGBs, each RGB LED (or segment/block of RGB LEDs) can display a different colour and intensity than its neighbours. Some could be lit in one colour or lit in another or more intense or less intense while others are simultaneously displaying something else. Everything that non-addressable RGB does but more fancy animation/striping/chasing effects are possible. Higher cost and complexity.

If you want to buy add-on controllers for motherboards with no RGB headers you can buy:
Corsair Commander Pro
CORSAIR - LL Series 120mm Case Cooling Fan Kit with RGB lighting
So following this up, I notice how certain controllers are only supporting their own manufactured fans and cases. If I am running a thermaltake 71 view would i have to throw out the fans, as well as avoid the Darkflash fans, since they wont be supported by the corsair controller? Also I, very crudely, gathered that the controller is linked via USB2.0 rather and rgb header. Is that right? I would like to know, because I would rather avoid paying 130 for 3 fans when i can get a small fraction of that for twice as many for a similiar quality fan?
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