[SOLVED] Will i7-3770k 4.6ghz bottleneck 1080ti?


Nov 1, 2019
Hello, i recently had questions about i7-3770k cooling, and now i went over to GPU upgrade. I have i7-3770k in combo with 1070 strix, i am planning to get around 144fps in witcher 3, so i am planning to buy 1080ti. But, as i know my cpu is too weak for that GPU, but will that actually matter in games that dont use yours cpu at 100%? For example Witcher 3.
3770k's instructions per clock is a bit better. My total cpu usage sits between 80~90 in those games at 1440p. Up to around 95~98% in 1080p.

Don't get me wrong, 1080Ti would do better in a modern system, im well aware of that, but looking at benchmarks of the same games and resolution, it's not far off. It was a heap better than the 1070 anyway.
Your cpu does have resources left for increased frame rates but as sizzling said, 140+ may be too much, but coming from a 1070, there should still be a decent increase. Cpu sets the fps cap and pre-renderes however many frames called by the gpu. I still believe your cpu is capable of utilising most of the 1080Ti. It's just the matter of finding out how many frames your cpu can handle in intensive games where the cpu needs to focus on other things.

Try set res and graphics in Witcher 3 lowest possible and see how many fps your cpu can handle. 1070 should be able to pump out enough to test.
Your cpu does have resources left for increased frame rates but as sizzling said, 140+ may be too much, but coming from a 1070, there should still be a decent increase. Cpu sets the fps cap and pre-renderes however many frames called by the gpu. I still believe your cpu is capable of utilising most of the 1080Ti. It's just the matter of finding out how many frames your cpu can handle in intensive games where the cpu needs to focus on other things.

Try set res and graphics in Witcher 3 lowest possible and see how many fps your cpu can handle. 1070 should be able to pump out enough to test.
Thanks for the reply. What will i achieve with that test? How much my cpu can actually handle, or maximum fps i can achieve while graphics are low?
Yeah, to see how many frames your cpu can give, pretending it's serving a faster gpu.

See this to understand what i mean about fps load on cpu regardless of resolution.

Ok, so how much fps increase are we looking at? And how to understand if my new gpu wilI give more fps? Fps that i have is around 70-90 fps at ultra graphics, i am actually not at home now, but i can do that test later.
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Do the test first and see where your cpu's maximum fps is at. Compare your maximum fps to 1080Ti's potential in benchmarks and base your judgement on that.

I haven't played W3 so not sure how low graphics can go to make sure the 1070 outputs enough fps to test your cpu.

Don't forget to watch the vid, it explains a lot how cpu pre-rendering works.
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Do the test first and see where your cpu's maximum fps is at. Compare your maximum fps to 1080Ti's potential in benchmarks and base your judgement on that.

I haven't played W3 so not sure how low graphics can go to make sure the 1070 outputs enough fps to test your cpu.

Don't forget to watch the vid, it explains a lot how cpu pre-rendering works.
I will text you back after the tests!
1440p is fine. Farcry 5, with AA off, im ranging between 70~90, Ghost Recon WL is more intensive and sits between 60~80. 1080p is around 20fps more in both games.

Im happy with the improvements over the 1070 i had. Similar situation to you.

Gsync also helps a lot too.
1440p is fine. Farcry 5, with AA off, im ranging between 70~90, Ghost Recon WL is more intensive and sits between 60~80. 1080p is around 20fps more in both games.

Im happy with the improvements over the 1070 i had. Similar situation to you.

Gsync also helps a lot too.
Ok, looking good. Cool that youve been through this! What are yours cpu usage? My cpu should be a bit better than yours??
3770k's instructions per clock is a bit better. My total cpu usage sits between 80~90 in those games at 1440p. Up to around 95~98% in 1080p.

Don't get me wrong, 1080Ti would do better in a modern system, im well aware of that, but looking at benchmarks of the same games and resolution, it's not far off. It was a heap better than the 1070 anyway.
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I dont have to achieve actually 144fps, cause its hard for that game, but i should atleast be able to have fps over 100, but is there an actual way of testing how much my cpu can handle?
That first review I linked averaged 97fps with 3770k. There is no test, every game is different and every system is different. You can look a reviews first a good indication of what you can achieve but your performance may still vary.
3770k's instructions per clock is a bit better. My total cpu usage sits between 80~90 in those games at 1440p. Up to around 95~98% in 1080p.

Don't get me wrong, 1080Ti would do better in a modern system, im well aware of that, but looking at benchmarks of the same games and resolution, it's not far off. It was a heap better than the 1070 anyway.
Ok, i am really hoping that. Cause 1080Ti is a pretty big investment, and i am abit aware of that big bottleneck. I will test Witcher later and hope for the best!
That first review I linked averaged 97fps with 3770k. There is no test, every game is different and every system is different. You can look a reviews first a good indication of what you can achieve but your performance may still vary.
97fps With 1080Ti? Well, that was worser than i was hoping. But as you said, every system is different.
GPU to some extent isn’t important. The cpu limits the best possible FPS you can achieve, the gpu determines at what resolution and game settings you can achieve that FPS at.
GPU to some extent isn’t important. The cpu limits the best possible FPS you can achieve, the gpu determines at what resolution and game settings you can achieve that FPS at.
Well, i have to do some tests, and check how much my cpu can push