
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with argb.
  1. 1

    [SOLVED] ARGB fan spinning but not lighting up

    I lately build my own pc using the kolink inspire 11 case, which comes with an umbra ARGB fan. i have a msi b550 gaming plus motherboard. i plugged the fan into sys_fan slot and the jrgb slot and while the fan spins the rgb part doesn't work, i don't think that the power supply is the problem...
  2. Sandlee09

    Question MF120 Halo Fans RGB problems. any help?

    I recently purchased a pack of 4 Cooler Master MF120 halo fans and 1 seperate one. The pack of 3 came with a controller. I hooked everything up and the fans all run fine and light up. But the controller is not detected by any software (icue, armory crate, aurasync, etc.) I downloaded the Master+...
  3. M

    Question No ARGB header on mobo ?

    hey guys so I dont have an ARGB header on my motherboard but i have an ARGB CPU cooler so what i was wondering was can i connect the argb fan header on my cpu cooler to the argb light strip header on my fan controller ? Your help will really be appreciated thanks.
  4. ken09250521

    Question How to make ARGB work with 9 fans and AIO Pump?

    As the title says, I want to have 9 ARGB Fans working along with the pump argb display, synchronized together controlled by software. For the specs I have: Case: Lian Li O11 Dynamic MoBo: ASUS Prime x570 Pro AIO: Lian Li Galahad 360 ARGB Fans: 6 Cooler Master MF120 Prismatic, 3 included...
  5. H

    Question CoolerMaster Sickle Flow ARGB Lights not coming on?

    I have a GIGABYTE Z370 AORUS GAMING mobo and a Thermaltake Full ATX case. I've used these same 3 x ARGB fans on the same case but different mobo (MSI) and they work just fine. With my Asus mobo, the fans turn on but will not give me RBG lights. I even took one of the fans out and daisy chained...
  6. C

    Question mother argb cooler

    I have ASUS Z97-A motherboard ( I want to change my stock cooler of the cpu with HYPER 212 ARGB ( this one)...
  7. Jaiff

    Question can a Cooler Master argb fan work with an antec controller?

    My motherboard( ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING ) doesn't have an RGB header. I have bought Antec Prizm Cooling Matrix which comes with a controller then I bought Antec Prizm 120 ARGB Case fan and this fan was working fine with the controller. But then I bought Cooler Master MF120 S3 but it's light not...
  8. T

    Question What is the curreny rating of the ARGB controller of the XPG Starkar Air?

    I have a XPG starkar cabinet. I have daisy chained 2 cooler master sickleflow ARGB fan (of my hyper 212 turbo cpu cooler), one xpg vento ARGB fan(pre-installed in case) and two led strips of the case itself are connected internally. How many more components can I daisy chain without frying...
  9. T

    [SOLVED] Control molex hub fan speeds

    Hello, I've recently bought some new fans for my pc, and while when there were only 3 it was almost silent, now with 6 fans running at full speed all the time, it's like a ventilator in the room. The thing is, my fans are argb from Aigo Darkflash and they connect to Aigos included hub, which in...
  10. Ramiro.Giorgi

    [SOLVED] ARGB lighting cases fans not working.

    Hey people so a few weeks ago i purchased two id coolings TF-12025 ARGB fans to put in my nzxt s340 case. I had to buy an argb splitter cable from cooler master to install them directly to the motherboard and when i installed them it worked fine, giving full argb lighting and spining correctly...
  11. LORYT699

    [SOLVED] 9-pin usb to 3-pin argb ?

    Hi, I have an atc800 from gigabyte, the mobo is an msiz390 tomahawk and the problem is about the light system of the cooler. I don t know why but gigabyte had thinked that put an 9pin for the rgb conrol was a good thing, now I m searching how to put that 9 pin(usb) to a 3 pin for argb. I have an...
  12. gamerbrehdy

    [SOLVED] Snipping off cables possible ?

    So I recently found some argb AIO tube sleeves. Being the unicorn-vomit type beat pc enthusiast, I really want to get them. I did however have a little question about them, The sleeves consist of ~30 leds and have two argb headers on each side. This is so that you can daisychain both of them to...
  13. M

    [SOLVED] argb fans daisy chaining

    How manny of these argb fans can i daisy chain from one argb mobo header? (i want to buy 5 of them) Fans: Arctic P12 PWM PST A-RGB 0dB Mobo: Asus rog strix b450f gaming II
  14. ScalesQ

    [SOLVED] Random cable

    Ok, so i'm really confused. My case came with 3 ARGB fans that are connected together and have an output to SATA. But there is also another cable - VDG in 3pin that connects to my motherboard. I pulled it out and nothing changed, the rgb on the fans still works, the rgb switch on the case still...
  15. J

    [SOLVED] CPU Cooler Compatibility (Antec Neptune 120 on LGA1700)

    So I purchased an Antec Neptune 120 which is compatible with LGA 1150 / 1151 / 1155 / 1156 / 1366 / 1200 / 2011-V3 / 2066 (According to Antec website) Rookie mistake as I have an intel 12600kf (LGA 1700) Anyone know of any good work arounds ie. can I purchase one of these two and use that with...
  16. Short_Bingus

    [SOLVED] How to connect the argb controller to the motherboard and which header

    I have an MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon Max Wifi and a MSI mag forge 100r
  17. A

    Question Which devices are Gen2 ARGB can normal ARGB fans be some how changed to Gen 2 ARGB

    Which devices are Gen2 ARGB can normal ARGB fans be some how changed to Gen 2 ARGB Cooler Master says their ARGB Gen2 controller A1 allows something called Multi-Layer Mode Where if the fans are also ARGB Gen 2 if the fans are daisy chained or connected using a splitter or hub each individual...
  18. A

    Question Using Cooler Master ARGB Controller or Cooler Master ARGB A1 Gen2 Controller for other branded fans

    I have a DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX L360 ARGB AIO which came with 3X CF120 fans(The ones without holo ring) and planning to get 3 more CF120 Plus fans(The ones with holo ring) will the lights in the pump and all these fans be controlled using Cooler Master MasterPlus Software if I purchase and use the...
  19. G

    Question Can I connect RGB fans to my Tomahawk B450 MAX?

    Hello. Basically, I want to add RGB fans to my pc. I have MSI tomahawk b450 max and it has 4 x 4-pin system fan connectors and 2 x 5050 RGB LED strip 12V connectors. I want to know if I am able to do add 3 or more RGB fans to this pc with these connectors or do they only support normal fans...
  20. A

    Question Cooler Master MasterPlus Compatibility with Deep cool AIO and fans

    I have a DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX L360 ARGB AIO which came with 3X CF120 fans(The ones without holo ring) and planning to get 3 more CF120 Plus fans(The ones with holo ring) will the lights in the pump and all these fans be controlled using Cooler Master MasterPlus Software if I purchase and use the...
  21. Huntocrates

    [SOLVED] Can't connect Deep cool cf120 fans to argb port on motherboard

    Hello! New to pc parts and stuff so my terminology might be somewhat off. I recently picked up this pc Here are the specs to the build that are necessary to the issue Motherboard: Gigabyte B560 DS3H AC Y-1 Fans: Deepcool...
  22. J


    I’m new to rgb / argb. I don’t really know the difference but I think argb is for 5v 3pin header mobos and rgb is for 12v 4pin mobos. I have a msi z390 a pro with 12v 4pin. And I bought 6 pwm argb uphere fans that come with a fan hub. I plugged everything in except the 5v 3pin cable. I’m...
  23. Zangyfish

    [SOLVED] Are the Razer Kunai aRBG fans compatible with the asus tuf b360-plus gaming motherboard?

    Hi, I know a little about computers, but I want to replace some parts on my current PC, and was wondering if the Razer Kunai RBG fans would be compatible with my motherboard (asus tuf b360-plus gaming). Im also thinking about getting the Razer Tomahawk PC case too, so if that's compatible it'd...
  24. XAKEP

    [SOLVED] ASUS CPU_FAN , CPU_OPT and ARGB header for AIO Radiator

    Quick question. I am getting Toughliquid Ultra 360 AIO. The whole unit comes with very nice static fans but I want to replace them with RGB FANS. From what I understand my Asus board (new Z690 model) has CPU_FAN and CPU_OPT for radiator fans as well as W_PUMP header for AIO pump. So here is...
  25. L

    Question can i connect ARGB motherboard to ARGB case for syncrhonize?

    i have pc case Gamemax Brufen C3, this case have ARGB LED on front also have the controller RGB on it but i want to synchronize this RGB case from ARGB header motherboard, but how i do that? because this case only have 3 pin ARGB male cable and if i want to connect into my motherboard header it...
  26. H

    Question Case came with fan hub, question about connecting sata cable

    So my MSI MPG Gungnir 110r case comes with a fan hub with space for 6 fans. I’ve connected all the fans and they are powered fine on separate 12v headers. Now the fan hub has two cables coming out of it, the 3 pin RGB cable and a sata cable. I have connected the 3 pin rgb cable to my jrainbow1...
  27. R

    [SOLVED] Multiple aRGB connecting to 1 header

    As title, I am planning to get upHere CCF150ARGB (CPU cooler) upHere T7SYC7-6(case fans) Cougar Gemini S (case) for Asus ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING II ATX AM4 Motherboard (with 2 12v rgb header + 1 5v argb header) Can I connect all of them to 1 header? Does that works?
  28. AmeedMv

    [SOLVED] Corsair 4000D Airflow Case RGB & Airflow Tips

    Hey y'all hope all is good. Below is my current part list which I am hoping to buy next month. I wanna know what would be the best fan configuration for the 4000D Airflow from Corsair and which ARGB fans I can use without breaking the bank. I have included a CM Sickleflow 120mm 3-pack in the...
  29. E

    [SOLVED] Can I use two different RGB controllers made by two different manufactures using one Gen 2 addressable RGB header

    This is kind of a loaded question and I'm new to the RGB scene but have been working with computer hardware for many years. I recently purchases a prebuilt PC due to stand alone price of graphics cards these days (don't shame me, this is the first PC I haven't built myself in many years), and...
  30. jonchgo

    Question Lian Li Unifan Controller & Asrock x570 Pro 4 Motherboard - where is the 5v argb???

    It may be my lack of sleep but I cannot figure this out. I need to connect my Lian Li Unifan Controller to my Asrock X570 Pro 4 Motherboard. Documentation say i need a 5v ARGB header and not a 12v ARGB header as the latter would do damage to my parts (and break my heart). I am lost - where do i...
  31. R

    [SOLVED] CPU cooler argb right connector

    hi , Can I connect the argb of the Vetroo V5 cpu cooler to any of my LED sockets in my motherboard , or there´s a specific one ?? I´ve read the manual and seems that I can connect to anyone , But I am asking here to be sure of that . Motherboard is a Gigabyte b450 Gaming X . I wil let the...
  32. bigbrompton

    [SOLVED] I have these teamgroup xtreem argb ram sticks that I cant find any trace of them on the web are they fake? or discontinued?

    I had a pre built high spec PC that I picked apart to sell, and I wanted to check the price on these ram sticks that came with it and I cant find any trace of it on the web here's the image of it. they don't make 2x16 4000 variants? I cant seem to find anything about it. TEAMGROUP T- Force...
  33. Ming60

    [SOLVED] How many fans can a coolermaster ARGB controller connects

    I already had a ML240L connected to the ARGB controller and I am looking forward to buy 4 separate fans of ML120 Halo which doesn't come with a controller, so am I able to connect those ML120 Halo to the ARGB controller? ARGB controller...
  34. Jhoakingg

    [SOLVED] Can i connect chasis ARGB fans and additional ARGB fans in my motherboard Asus Z270-P Prime?

    Hello there, I bought a deepcool chassis, specifically DeepCool Matrexx 70, included 3 front fans ARGB, 1 non-argb rear fan, and I want to 3 additional fans in the top, ARGB too. I have a Asus PRIME Z270-P motherboard, i can connect all the fans and ARGB or should I buy something extra?
  35. H

    [SOLVED] Cooler Master Masterfan MF120 Halo Help

    Hi. I have recently ordered 2 x (3 fan packs) of Masterfan mf 120 Halo fans, Gen 2. That's 6 fans in total. Each box comes with a mini aRGB hub. Connecting the fans to the motherboard via the aRGB hub is essential, as only then I will be able to make use of the Masterplus software. The normal...
  36. Amazing Aru

    [SOLVED] 1 deepcool argb hub + 1 cooler master argb splitter to 1 mobo argb header

    I have a deepcool castle rgb v2 aio and it includes an argb hub which supports upto 5 argb devices and my motherboard has 1 argb header and i want to use Aura Sync. But the problem is i have 6 argb fans and I want them all to go in that 1 argb header so i bought a coolermaster 1 to 5 argb...
  37. H

    [SOLVED] Do ARGB fans work on any motherboard?

    I'll soon get a Gigabyte B450MDS3H V2 with a Tecware Forge M (includes 3x ARGB fans). I'd like to know if I can use the argb on the fans with this mobo, because what I had in mind was that argb fans don't correlate its ability to work with the mobo. I thought all you had to do was to set it up...
  38. Danapto

    [SOLVED] aRGB header not working on Steel Legend B450M ?

    My case comes with argb controller which i connected all the fans, but i wanted to control them with case's leds with the motherboard and i plugged in a argb cable in the argb header, but in the asrock polychrome software I cant mess with the colors, just the actual motherboard ones. Is...
  39. Saltcutter

    [SOLVED] Strange RGB issues after connecting ARGB to 4pin.

    SO basically what the title said. I have a CoolerMaster Mastercase MB500 with a prebuilt 3 basic 12V RGB (4pin) and a controller with it. I bought an AIO Deepcool Gammax 120l v2 watercool for the CPU thats also regular RGB (4pin 12V) and an RGB light strip for a bit more light. Problem is, i...
  40. S


    I have bought a new motherboard for my son - MSI MAG B460 TORPEDO ATX LGA1200 Motherboard It has two Jrainbow jumpers for ARGB Fans, i want to get him x3 ARGB Fans, and an ARGB Heatsink-Fan. Any suggestions on how i do this as there are only two jumpers? Thanks Shenn