I used Aomei Backupper Standard 6.4 Free version to clone my XPG M.2 PCIE SSD 1TB to my external Seagate Hard drive 7 TB. Once cloning was complete, I noticed an issue with partition 3. The data size of partition 3 for the source is 653.97 GB, whereas the data size of partition 3 for the clone...
hi, I am building my new PC after many years but I would like to know if I can move my whole installation of windows to this new PC (of course I don't care if windows get deactivated) I also know that I can just do a clean installation but I have a lot of unused software, old games and their...
I recently upgraded my PC and with this did a fresh install of windows. I wanted to temporarly connect my old HDD's to transfer the data over to the new m.2 that I have, but the HDD isn't showing in the file explorer. It is however showing up in disk management but as "unallocated".
I have...
Basically I have 120gb SSD installed in my m.2 slot, and I want to migrate my whole OS and boot drive to a new 512gb SSD. I do have another disk to transfer the contents. How do I transfer all my data along with boot drive to my new SSD without creating partitions and such?
Any help is...
Hello everyone
I have Office 2010 package
When i:
Right click on folder
Sync of shared folder
When I press “Yes”, and the login / create user window appears, then GROOVE.exe (Office) uploads / sends data in the range of 15 byte/s - 600 byte/s
What is this data being sent / uploaded?
Is it the...
Many months back. I deleted a bunch of videos in a folder deep inside my laptop. I no longer remember the folder. Can these videos be restored, maybe using a software?
It doesn't have to be good quality. As long as I can see the filenames, I'm ok. But if it is fully recoverable that would be great.
So, I was playing with my PC the other day then I shut it down, I came back after a while to get surprised by an error "boot device not found" or something like that.
I ran the dispart>list disk command using Windows installation on a USD flash drive and I found that the SSD is empty and the...
I own an intenso 256 gb 2,5 SSD.
it is not recognized from pc and appear like SATAFIRM S11.
Is there a tool to repair firmware phison ps3111-s11 and recovery all data?
Thank you very mouch.
I will keep it short and get straight to the point, i would like to view my data which are being collected just like i can see on my personal Microsoft account through this website
It works fine to check my personal account data associated with it...
Hi, anyone have a QNAP NAS? I recently bought my TS-653D. I have 2 Storage Pools, Storage Pool 1 and Storage Pool 2. Storage Pool 1 has my Config volume which is the system volume containing my apps. Storage Pool 2 has my Data volume containing my data. Inside my Data volume, I had a multimedia...
Hi everyone, I had to formatted a HDD with the W10 installation tool (the partition where it was already installed) because the OS crashed.
Is there any program that can actually find/recover files from desktop/documents/etc?
I've tried these three already
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Pro...
Hi all, I'm thinking of buying a NAS to store my data of varying importance. What do you think of this strategy, I would buy a NAS with 5 bays for example. I would use 3 or 4 of the bays in a raid 5 configuration and when money allows I would put a large hardrive in the last bay and keep a...
I have an old Windows 7 computer that collects dust in the closet, but it has a bunch of old files and programs that I don't want to get rid of. My girlfriend says it's an eyesore and has to go, so I'm now tasked with getting all my precious stuff off of it. Now, I would just go through...
Yesterday I plugged the drive in my SSD when I wanted to transfer some important files to the server, but I accidentally turned the connector the wrong way. When I did it, some smoke with terrible smell came out. I disconnected it immediately, but it was too late. It is dead now. Later I opened...
How can I create a Phone's storage Image, so that I can use it in conjunction with Forensics software to do things? Do you have any Software recommendations? (For Image Creation and Forensics)
I want to try out some things regarding Forensics, any tips are welcome!
Thank you.
I bought ADATA SU650 960GB SSD as my Storage device, I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10, but its giving warning and asking me to repair disk. I repaired the disk after that I started getting errors in my game 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019' and it asked me to re-download the game as...
So my current storage situation is a bit of a problem. My current main boot drive was originally a storage drive, that at some point I installed a very slim Windows system to in a small partition (50GB) part way through the drive and between 2 storage partitions I resized to fit it between. Poor...
Hello there! First of all, I'm very noob with RAID. I wanted to create a RAID 5 with 3 hard drives. I had 2 of them with data (2TB and 4TB). I bought another one of 8TB and I thought of creating a RAID5 through BIOS. I didn't know that RAID will delete all my existing data and I went ahead and...
I have a huawei p20 pro that has a completely broken screen, I need to get the photos off of it or use huawei phone clone but that isn’t as important.
I got an otg connector and plugged the phone into a monitor and used a mouse it worked but the display would cut out every few seconds, any idea...
Hi. I want to connect to my wifi and ethernet at the same time. I know this is possible so that's not my problem. I want to know if it's possible to make windows use them separately. for example, I want my IDM to use the wifi while steam uses the ethernet connection. How to do that? I am asking...
Hey Guys! I have got a question here. Actually I want to make a central location of data storage. What I mean by that is, I want to store data such as photos, movies, documents, etc. in one place and from where I can access it from all the computers in my home like a server kinda! Please tell me...
Hi all, Thanks in advance.
Please point me in the direction if you know of a solution else where.
I was under the impression my motherboard allowed me to hot swap my SSD drives, I needed to get some information off another SSD and just went ahead and swapped out a storage drive, after the deed...
For now, I have a separate disk partition with BitLocker but it makes people curious as it visible directly in file explorer.
Is there any software/program for doing the same job. Like a digital vault. Which will stay hidden among 100's of other things installed on the pc?
Mod edit: OS = Windows 10
Hello everyone!
My SSD holds block with data in use and not in use. I have not activated the TRIM function.
I know that SSD’s only can write to empty blocks, and therefore have to read the block, copy the block, and then write the whole block + the additional data.
Example with 250 GB SSD:
Hello everyone
I have my Windows in danish, so I hope, I use the correct terms and names.
When I do the following with an image-file:
Right click on the file, press “change name / rename”, or left double click, so the name gets highlighted, and then left click with the mouse outside of the...
Hello everyone
I was wondering, how long it takes, from when I push “save” in MS Paint to a PNG file is written to my SSD.
The filesize is approxmatily 7 kilobytes.
The file is being written to a “full” / “used” SSD, by that I mean, the SSD reads the “free” block into memory, then adds the new...
Hello everyone,
I'm gonna make this question very clear for you so you can help me in the most beneficial way,
What I want : Measure or calculate my data consumption running through my router and where does it go to every device on my network.
Why? : Because basically I think I'm getting...
Got a legitimate message in browser from Xfinity saying I had 45gb left of the month. 15-20 minutes later of just browsing and a discord call, got another message telling me I used 100% of my data and I gave 0gb remaining for the month. Any idea of what could be causing this? Second time its...
So I have 2 old system (1 Acer, 1 Dell) and I'm planning to build 1 PC to house all the data on the drive in one place so less space needed and consume less power.
The new pc will be boot out of an ssd and I want to use the 2 hdd out of the 2 system as the media storage without wiping anything...
The folder used to be the Users folder in the C:// and I had the drive removed. So now, the former drive is now functioning as an external HDD.
anyway, when I had opened the folder, it said the subfolders were empty but the icon was it was normal icon, not the fainted one when it's empty...
Hi all, basically I lost my phone and decided it was gone forever, I took the usual steps through the android find my phone and erase, blocked the IEMI and sim.
Just wondering if someone were to find this and take it to a dodgy phone shop to get it unblocked, would the process (if anyone is...
Hello,i am in really difficult position guys,i had all my family memories and more stuff on this HDD,1tb and it was almost full.i formatted it by mistake and i would really like to regain all the data back if its possible..
someone that has done it before and knows for sure how to please help me...
Hi all!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
I bought google Fi phone service, and I bought a samsung galaxy s7 unlocked from amazon. The first night I got the phone everything went well, I put the SIM card in, got it activated and the phone worked fine besides it only having 1 bar. The...
I currently have one SSD (C drive) and one HDD (D drive) inside my PC. The SSD is only around 60GB and holds the Windows 10 operating system and a few other small files. Unsurprisingly it is completely full and I would like to move the whole C drive to a new SSD and ultimately replace the...
I built my first PC a while ago and have started wondering about future upgrades. My system currently has a SSD as the boot drive and a 1TB hard drive for storage. While I don’t need to make any changes as of right now, I’d like to know my options regarding trading out my 1TB HDD for a...
Hi. I currently have Windows 10 installed on a single Sata SSD plus Raid 1 HDDs for backups.
I am replacing my 2x1 Tb raid 0 SSDs with 2x2 Tb NVME.
I already understand that to install windows to the NVME drives in Raid 0, I have to configure them in the bios under raid mode and load the raid...
After booting off my new SSD, I no longer can find files in my HDD. It’s like they no longer exist. When I click on windows and search for applications and files that I have on my HDD they do not show up but hey are still there. I can still find the HDD applications that I have on it but when I...
About half a year ago I realized that my external hard-drive that I bought on amazon was malfunctioning, I had noticed there was a connection problem even before that, it would connect and disconnect rapidly sometimes, but I didn't think much of it cause my files were still there. then 1 day I...
I have first fixed CAT6 cables to 7 bedrooms and lounge for 9 x smart TVs
I have also wired for 6 wireless access points to various points in the clients house
I just now need to make off the rj45 ends but i don't know what best equipment to use and how to set up
I def need a 24 port...
Hi. My external hard drive wasn't working, so I looked online and followed a very suspicious tutorial, openned it and the disk had some marks, like if the reader head was "scratching" the surface.
I cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol 99,8% pure, closed it and tried again, but the sound was still...