I am wanting to get a UPS for my home theater system. I know any UPS wouldn't be able to power a home theater for very long, what I am interested in is the power regulation, power info as well as the surge protection. Power fluctuations are not good for electronics and a UPS with AVR helps to protect the health of the electronics plugged into the UPS. My conundrum is whether my UPS needs to have the amount of wattage my system pulls and whether the wattage rating on a UPS is really just for when the battery is active. It would make sense to me that the UPS acts as a power pass through much like a powerstrip so while power is being provided to the UPS it shouldn't matter what its rated for as far as wattage goes, maybe?
For example I have a 9.2 channel receiver that will pull a maximum of 850 anda television that can pull 95W - 225W but I really want to buy a UPS that is in the 600W - 800W range.
Will the UPS fail to provide adequate power to my system even while power is being provided to it?
I will note as well that my receiver will have 5 Definitive Tech speakers 1 center(BP9040) 2 front towers(BP9020) and two surround bookshelf speakers(Demand D7) no sub as the living room is small and I don't think it is necessary.
I am wanting to get a UPS for my home theater system. I know any UPS wouldn't be able to power a home theater for very long, what I am interested in is the power regulation, power info as well as the surge protection. Power fluctuations are not good for electronics and a UPS with AVR helps to protect the health of the electronics plugged into the UPS. My conundrum is whether my UPS needs to have the amount of wattage my system pulls and whether the wattage rating on a UPS is really just for when the battery is active. It would make sense to me that the UPS acts as a power pass through much like a powerstrip so while power is being provided to the UPS it shouldn't matter what its rated for as far as wattage goes, maybe?
For example I have a 9.2 channel receiver that will pull a maximum of 850 anda television that can pull 95W - 225W but I really want to buy a UPS that is in the 600W - 800W range.
Will the UPS fail to provide adequate power to my system even while power is being provided to it?
I will note as well that my receiver will have 5 Definitive Tech speakers 1 center(BP9040) 2 front towers(BP9020) and two surround bookshelf speakers(Demand D7) no sub as the living room is small and I don't think it is necessary.