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Jul 30, 2017
Please keep it to 1 thread

So Im confused between two GPUS for my PC.
Note: I will game in 1080p 60hz, maybe even 144hz.

I just want to get the full performance out of the GPU using my CPU.
Which gpu is better for me, and will not have a bottleneck while still getting highest FPS.
I have 16 gigs of ram trident Z and an X370 motherboard.

I just want to get the best performance, both GPUS in my country is $350.
I prefer the 2060S because I dont think it will bottleneck and also give me other features like DLSS and RTX.
Although if the RX 5700 is also not going to botteneck and give me a considerably higher performance than the 2060S then I'll go with it.

Thanks for your help!
If your looking to utilize RTX then get the 2060S. As for any bottleneck just overclock that 1600 to around 3.8ghz or better and in most games that duo will perform well.
Both are good cards. Whichever is cheaper and got the better warranty. As for bottleneck, well, there will always be bottleneck. There's always a CPU that calculates data faster than a GPU can process, or vice versa. For your target of 60-144Hz, you will get your performance perfectly. For 144Hz, with r5 2600, you will see a few fps bump, and with 3600, a few more.
SaIadass Just to be clear, are you talking about the RX 5700 or 5700 XT. If the non-XT, then the RTX 2060 Super is the card to buy, if you're strictly comparing gaming performance. However, if you're considering the XT model, then it should generally be faster than the 2060 Super, by about a 6 - 8% average; depending on the game.

Where I live, in the US, the RX 5700 XT and RTX 2060 Super are about the same price. The non-XT is an entire pricing tier lower.

Side question: Are you planning on Twitch streaming? And if so, are you planing on using your graphics card for encoding, and not your CPU? If so, then definitely get the RTX 2060 Super, as I've read that AMD GPU encoding is absolutely dismal, although I haven't personally tried it with a AMD card.

So I have a ryzen 1600 cpu( not overclocked)
And in my country both 5700XT bit more expensive than RTX 2060S

I already had decided to go for the RTX 2060S but after watching a few reviews I noticed 5700XT is more value for the price as it is much much more powerful and also that its main competition is with a GPU RTX 2070.

Note, my budget is 400 usd and I can only afford 5700XT or RTX 2060S
My question is that there wil be bottleneck both with 5700XT and RTX 2060S with my R5 1600 cpu.

I want to ask if i will actually get a value buy on an RX 5700 XT.
I will be only gaming in 1080p 144hz maybe, I just want a futureproof gpu that will last long, I dont really care about ray tracing or any of the fancy work.

Is the 5700XT worth for my cpu? Will I actually get higher fps using it or am I better off going for the 2060S.

Help is appreciated because im really confused, I just want to futureproof.

Ryzen 1600
Trident Z 16 GB
AX370 Aourus gaming K5
650 Watt Antec PSU

I already had a post for this although I didnt get much information as I need to get in depth to understand which one is worth for my money.

I have a stock ryzen 1600 cpu.
And now I want to get a new GPU, either the 5700XT or RTX 2060S, problem for me is that its difficult for me to choose.
5700XT is presumably going to bottleneck more but still provides more power and value than the RTX 2060S whereas I get ray tracing and also less of a bottleneck.

Personally I dont care about ray tracing fancy stuff as long as I get the most performance out of my cpu. I'm planning to OC it to 4ghz to get the bottleneck less noticeable
Both gpus are around 400 usd in my country with the RTX 2060S a bit cheaper,

Note I will be gaming in 1080p 144hz and I just want a gpu that will futureproof.
Im worried that buying a RTX 2060S with almost 400 usd will be a waste and not worth when I can purchase a gpu rx 5700xt with the same price.
Although the reason why I am also confused of buying the RX 5700XT is because yes it is more powerful and more worth for 400 usd but will my cpu(oc'd to 4ghz lets say) will be able to maximize its power as much as possible with low difference or am I better off to go with the cheaper RTX 2060S with ray tracing support.

I would like help to be broad with more context and not just short with some recoomendation for which gpu I should buy
I hope you guys understand my perspective and can clear my confusion.

Thanks alot have a great day!
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